Halo View

Health looks good on you

  • My role was to lead the brand design team through the development and launch for Halo View. Supporting and influencing marketing, advertising, PR, and UX.

  • Sean Ohlenkamp, Taiki Murayama, Chris Apap, Ophelia Chiu, Marisa Powell Schoen, Ryan Cutter

Meet Halo View. It's a feature-packed health and wellness tracker designed to inspire better health choices. The goal for the Halo View launch was simple: draw in health-focused customers with a surprisingly low-cost tracker and excite them about our premium subscription health membership, priced at just $3.99/month—it's a deal like only Amazon could offer.

The Challenge

The Halo View launch presented several challenges, including limited marketing funds, developing vast product graphics and photography libraries, managing tight production timelines, accommodating product and engineering changes, and navigating a matrix of approvals.

But, we would not be intimidated by complexity. I lead the team to develop and stick to repeatable processes for everything—from packaging to emails, marketing campaigns, UI libraries, and product presentations. This structured approach saved us time, allowed us to share our work fluidly, manage changes quickly, ensured our brand looked premium across all customer touch-points, and gave us more space to focus on creatively resolving each obstacle we encountered week over week.

Creative Team—Keri Zierler, Andrew WIlcox

Device Packaging

As color is a driving customer choice, this packaging design system prominently featured the device on the front with the background of the packaging adopting the color of the product within. This design strategy provided flexibility for evolving colors and devices, allowing the design to stay fresh year over year. Accessories boxes also adopted this color strategy.

Packaging Photography—Stanton Stevens

Halo View Launch Marketing & E-commerce

Building on the insights gained from Halo Band, we developed and continuously refined the Halo View retail page based on customer feedback. Additionally, we created a membership page to demystify the benefits of the subscription.

Creative Team—Keri Zierler, Andrew WIlcox, Taiki Murayama

Enhancing your fitness equips you to be prepared for whatever comes your way. Our captivating TV campaign showcases individuals in dynamic action sequences, swiftly responding to unexpected situations they encounter. From capturing a runaway dog to rescuing a lost toy, these moments highlight how being healthy enables you to face life's challenges with readiness.

Holiday Advertising

In Q4, our holiday advertising addressed the challenges of maintaining healthy habits amidst disruptions to daily routines. To add an element of fun, we transformed the message into an engaging video game experience. By gamifying the concept, we aimed to resonate with our audience and motivate them to overcome holiday-related obstacles to their well-being.

Creative Team—Keri Zierler, Andrew WIlcox, Stephen Bernier

Product & Accessory Hero Imagery

We developed an extensive library of imagery, animations, footage, and photography assets to support all product marketing efforts.

Device & Nutrition Photography

To support the launch of our nutrition tracking features, we crafted a food photoshoot to capture some of the dishes, and eating styles that Halo was able to support—capturing everything in a tasty way.

Food Photography—Sue Tallon

Halo Trainer Portrait Photography

Portrait photography of our brands trainers, showcasing each of their expertise, and personality.

Trainer Portrait Photography—Shaugn&John

Customer Demonstration Photography

We captured a library of photography of customers interacting with the device, taking advantage of app features, and performing workouts.

Customer Demonstration Photography—David Salafia


While I can't share any specifics, I can tell you this: The Halo View launch made waves with our customers. We set out to prove that premium health tech could be affordable, and we made our point loud and clear.

Leading this team from my home office, taught me that distance is no barrier to successful collaboration. Clear communication, a shared vision, and trust are what truly matter.

Take a closer look at the evolution of the brand work through each device launch

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