Amazon Brand

A unified brand system that delivers a smile to all customers.

The Challenge:

Amazon is comprised of a federation of diverse startups, each with a shared focus on delivering value and ensuring an exceptional customer experience. At the heart of Amazon's philosophy lies the brand symbol, a representation of a customer's smile that serves as a constant promise and reminder. To establish a cohesive brand presence across all present and future businesses worldwide, a comprehensive brand system was devised. This system aimed to create a recognizable and consistent identity that could be effortlessly recognized, anticipated, and replicated throughout the entirety of Amazon's diverse ventures.

Sound on! The solution was simple, though not straight forward to implement. Each business and product line within Amazon operates independently, requiring individual business line collaboration to prove the system's effectiveness and address any challenges that arose. The project gained significant traction during Prime Day 2016, marking the beginning of its widespread adoption and subsequent evolution. Through meticulous coordination and integration, the brand system gradually gained prominence across Amazon.


For 5 years, I lead the implementation of the Smile brand system to 80+ business and products, including all delivery vehicles. For each business, I lead my team to craft guidelines supporting daily use cases for each business, and provide ongoing consultation as needed.

The smile brand system has since gone on to be broadly adopted across Amazon and helped significantly to increase brand recognition and affinity around the globe.


Amazon Halo


Amazon Advertising